Some of what happens in the first session.

In the first session the largest amount of interference is cleared. The practitioner uses kinesiology (muscle testing) to show the client which areas are weak and tests again after the treatment to show the results.

The body has a fuse box system much like the one you have in your house. During a trauma the body's fuses can be broken and, just like in your house, you have to reset the master switches. These genetic fuses are reset at the beginning of the first treatment.

After repairing the body's electrical system we use this energy to clear blocked emotions at many levels. The body holds emotions on the surface, in the organs and glands, the nerves, brain stem, brain, and at the physical cellular level.

When we experience trauma it's like a spear has been stabbed into our body. We now have this large cavity in our energy fields. Frequencies from emotions, feelings, thoughts, and beliefs go down this cavity and react.

Clear Point Therapists believe that depending on which genetic circuits are broken and how deep your trauma cavities extend into your energy fields, will determine which diseases you may develop later in life or have already developed.

In the first session after the negative energy has been released the therapist repairs your energy fields. With the energy fields repaired we then clear blockages in the hormone producing glands and balance the hormones. The body's energy fields are the major factor in keeping hormones in balance.

Almost every client feels the effects of this first session. The client has now been started on a healing process.

The physical body always works to be as perfect as the energy body; this is why this work is so important.

Clear Point Therapy usually only takes a few sessions to complete. The client is taught several self-treatments to keep their energy fields clear and operating at optimum levels.

The only way to reverse these treatments is through major trauma. Doing this work will start your body on the way to rejuvenation and healing.

We are located in several locations, so phone 253-569-3977 for an appointment or information

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